iPhone consolidated.db location tracking notes

I’m trying to understand the consolidated.db iPhone location database, which means understanding how iOS stores and managing data. Here’s some notes.


  1. @aallan’s original announcement
  2. iPhone Tracker (Objective C code)
  3. Technical instructions from howto.wired
  4. nphonetrack (.NET code)
  5. iPhoneLs.py
  6. iphone-tracker.py
  7. Quick start for sqlite3
  • When you make a backup of an iPhone, it creates a big directory full of files with random 160 bit filenames. These are named files in the iPhone that iphonels.py can display. My 3 biggest files are named
  • consolidated.db is the file with the location data in it. It’s a sqlite3 database.
  • The juicy tables are (apparently) CellLocation and WifiLocation. The *Counts tables seem to contain just a row count. Presumably the Boxes tables are some sort of spatial index. I can find no record of how often I was at a specific location other than what’s implicit in the timestamps and density of cell/wifi locations.
  • I have 32,013 rows in CellLocation, 171,040 rows in WifiLocation
  • Timestamps are like 309803342: I believe this is NSDate seconds since 1 Jan 2001. Add 978307200 to get it in seconds since Unix 1970 epoch.
  • HorizontalAccuracy varies from 50-300 for WifiLocation, and up to 80,000 for CellLocation.
  • Confidence is 0, 50, 60, 65, 68, or 70
  • Speed and Course are always -1 (no surprise).
Some quicky sqlite3 shell code
.mode csv
.output wifilocation.csv
select Timestamp, Latitude, Longitude from WifiLocation order by Timestamp;
.output CellLocation.csv
select Timestamp, Latitude, Longitude from CellLocation order by Timestamp;
Some pasted info from sqlite3

sqlite> .tables
CdmaCellLocation                   CellLocationCounts
CdmaCellLocationBoxes              CellLocationHarvest
CdmaCellLocationBoxes_node         CellLocationHarvestCounts
CdmaCellLocationBoxes_parent       CellLocationLocal
CdmaCellLocationBoxes_rowid        CellLocationLocalBoxes
CdmaCellLocationCounts             CellLocationLocalBoxes_node
CdmaCellLocationHarvest            CellLocationLocalBoxes_parent
CdmaCellLocationHarvestCounts      CellLocationLocalBoxes_rowid
CdmaCellLocationLocal              CellLocationLocalCounts
CdmaCellLocationLocalBoxes         CompassCalibration
CdmaCellLocationLocalBoxes_node    Fences
CdmaCellLocationLocalBoxes_parent  Location
CdmaCellLocationLocalBoxes_rowid   LocationHarvest
CdmaCellLocationLocalCounts        LocationHarvestCounts
Cell                               TableInfo
CellLocation                       Wifi
CellLocationBoxes                  WifiLocation
CellLocationBoxes_node             WifiLocationCounts
CellLocationBoxes_parent           WifiLocationHarvest
CellLocationBoxes_rowid            WifiLocationHarvestCounts

CREATE TABLE CellLocation (
  Timestamp FLOAT,
  Latitude FLOAT,
  Longitude FLOAT,
  HorizontalAccuracy FLOAT,
  Altitude FLOAT,
  VerticalAccuracy FLOAT,
  Speed FLOAT,
  Course FLOAT,
  Confidence INTEGER,

CREATE TABLE WifiLocation (
  Timestamp FLOAT,
  Latitude FLOAT,
  Longitude FLOAT,
  HorizontalAccuracy FLOAT,
  Altitude FLOAT,
  VerticalAccuracy FLOAT,
  Speed FLOAT,
  Course FLOAT,
  Confidence INTEGER,

3 thoughts on “iPhone consolidated.db location tracking notes

  1. Nelson, what do you think of the idea of getting people to upload their consolidated.db files to a central service where we can anonymize them and create an open database of Cell and Wifi locations?

  2. Hmm, I like that idea. It may not be necessary; it used to be the Skyhook-like web service Apple used was unprotected, I haven’t checked lately.

  3. You say: “I can find no record of how often I was at a specific location” — Well obviously not, as each cell (the (MCC, MNC, LAC, CI) column combination) is stored only once in the CellLocation table; as the CREATE TABLE statement shows it is a primary key, and there is no “count” column. Ditto for the MAC column of the WifLocation table.

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