Ubiquiti routers: garbage bandwidth stats

My Ubiquiti routers continue to vex me, Unifi OS has lots of problems. My latest complaint is it’s not even able to give me a basic accounting of how much bandwidth each device (IP address) on my LAN is using.

For instance, here’s what I think is a graph of the last month’s traffic for my Playstation. I downloaded a 60GB game on Nov 17. I also probably downloaded at least one other > 30GB game that month but I’m not positive.

In upper right it says 66.7GB download for the month. That is a plausible number but I think is low But then in the graph it shows an average of 0.8Mbps for the day of November 17. Also plausible? 0.8*86400 = 69GB. In the graph tooltip it says “Total Traffic” (for the day) is 9GB. That doesn’t agree with the graph data! And then in the chart below it says “All Traffic: 6GB” for the whole month. On a different screen for the device it says “Traffic Activity: 1.66GB”. It’s like they’re picking random numbers.

The displays are utter nonsense. This problem has been going on for years. (Before, they didn’t even have any traffic stats.) I’m not the only one complaining: see here or here or here or any of these.

Unifi also has a more ambitious “Traffic Identification” display where they try to show you bandwidth by application: Youtube, etc. Doing that reliably is hard, I would expect some inaccuracy. But counting by device IP should be really simple. Failing that makes me wonder what else is wrong in the router that is less visible. (BTW, that screenshot above may actually be what it thinks for my whole network, although in context it doesn’t seem to be. If I explicitly choose PS5 I get another graph that shows that same 1.66GB total and otherwise obviously wrong small numbers.)

Every time I see a product fail this badly I always wonder, do the engineers who work there give a shit? Do they use their own software?